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#0 ctsql_query(
FROM qql_tkgstruly.channel
) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/class/api.inc:95]
#1 ctx_site->_internChannelByType(tkgsarticles, ) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/class/api.inc:213]
#2 ctx_site->get_channel(tkgsarticles, ) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/class/api.inc:1961]
#3 ctx_get_channel(qql_tkgstruly) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvt_media.inc:486]
#4 cvt_medialize(, pipeobj, , ) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvt_media.inc:100]
#5 {closure}(Array ([0] => ,[1] => ,[2] => pipeobj))
#6 preg_replace_callback_array(Array ([@(]+(mediaobj|pipeobj)[^>]+>)(?-U)\s*((?U).* )?@Uims] => Closure Object (),[@]+linkobj[="\s]+(\d+)[^>]+>@ims] => Closure Object ()), ) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvt_media.inc:113]
#7 cvtmod_medialize() called at [/home/ctown/doc_qql/skin/qql/pagetree/a1/.pcache.parts.html:50]
#8 cvtpat_part_pagecontent(Array ([_id] => 48333,[call_id] => ,[marker] => ,[name] => 48333,[label] => Recent Articles,[description] => ,[type] => page,[entity] => folio,[options] => subpages_menu,[relpath] => 1/44350/44357/,[out_count] => ,[level] => 3,[wf_srid] => 0,[wf_orid] => 0,[wf_flags] => ,[wf_viz] => 9,[wf_version] => 0,[wf_uid] => 588,[wf_couid] => 0,[wf_smuid] => 0,[wf_updated] => ,[wf_publish] => 2014-09-10 16:04:04,[wf_expire] => ,[keywords] => ,[owner__id] => 588,[ptid] => 0,[pu_target] => ,[agg__id] => ,[seq] => 2,[actual_start] => ,[actual_finish] => ,[display_start] => ,[display_finish] => ,[config] => ,[xlate] => ,[template] => default,[extra_body_tags] => ,[extra_head] => ,[excerpt] => ,[af_thumbnail] => ,[af_contain_furl] => 1,[collaborators] => ,[furl] => /our-favourite/recent-articles,[furl_sticky] => ,[furl_bk] => ,[content] => ,[content_type] => ,[content_slot] => ,[content_filename] => ,[content_size] => ,[hide_content] => 0,[sidebar1] => ,[sidebar0] => ,[url] => ,[note] => ,[image_text_slot] => ,[image_text_width] => ,[image_text_height] => ,[image_text_hl_slot] => ,[image_text_hl_width] => ,[image_text_hl_height] => ,[icon_slot] => ,[icon_width] => ,[icon_height] => ,[comment_count] => 0,[link_to] => ,[link_type] => ,[acl] => pub,[viewable_by] => !,[tags_user] => ,[pageview] => 27680,[pageview_site] => 0,[rating_count_good] => ,[rating_point_good] => ,[tags_data] => a:0:{},[_proval] => 9999,[_ctime] => 2014-09-10 13:24:41,[_mtime] => 2025-02-06 19:52:54,[acl_rights] => Array ([0] => view),[artifact] => Array (),[page] => Array (),[segment] => Array (),[path_array] => Array ([0] => Array ([_id] => 1,[relpath] => ,[type] => school_home,[entity] => folio,[acl] => pub,[label] => ,[furl] => ,[level] => ,[hide_content] => 0),[1] => Array ([_id] => 44350,[relpath] => 1/,[type] => user_home,[entity] => folio,[acl] => pub,[label] => Home,[furl] => /,[level] => 1,[hide_content] => 0),[2] => Array ([_id] => 44357,[relpath] => 1/44350/,[type] => page,[entity] => folio,[acl] => pub,[label] => Our Favourite,[furl] => /our-favourite,[level] => 2,[hide_content] => 1)),[section_id] => 44357)) called at [/home/ctown/doc_qql/skin/qql/pagetree/a1/.pcache.default_view.html:22]
#9 include(/home/ctown/doc_qql/skin/qql/pagetree/a1/.pcache.default_view.html) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvt.inc:198]
#10 cvt_call_template(pagetree/a1/default_view.html) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvt.inc:302]
#11 cvto_callable->call() called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvtmod.inc:126]
#12 cvtmod_call(cvto_callable Object ([type] => template,[name] => cvt_call_template,[args] => Array ([0] => pagetree/a1/default_view.html),[obj] => )) called at [/home/ctown/doc_qql/skin/qql/pagetree/.pcache.layout.html:3]
#13 include(/home/ctown/doc_qql/skin/qql/pagetree/.pcache.layout.html) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvt.inc:198]
#14 cvt_call_template(pagetree/layout.html) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvt.inc:302]
#15 cvto_callable->call() called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvtmod.inc:126]
#16 cvtmod_call(cvto_callable Object ([type] => template,[name] => cvt_call_template,[args] => Array ([0] => pagetree/layout.html),[obj] => )) called at [/home/ctown/doc_qql/skin/qql/.pcache.root.html:342]
#17 include(/home/ctown/doc_qql/skin/qql/.pcache.root.html) called at [/home/ctown/ctxroot/inc/cvt.inc:198]
#18 cvt_call_template(./root.html) called at [/home/ctown/ctxcode/ctx/cos/o.x:256]
#19 include(/home/ctown/ctxcode/ctx/cos/o.x) called at [/home/ctown/ctxcode/ctx/cos/msite.x:37]
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